My vegan movement

buddhism, health, my inspiration

I understand it’s social justice to the vulnerable animals however I am not jumping on this one fully because I’d be a hypocrite in saying that I hate to eat animals because I am a meat eater! Not a big one but I’m very sorry to anyone who is vegan I will not be completely swayed because my mind and soul is just not equipped for a plant based life.

I do however enjoy this new vegan experience VERY VERY much. The transition has been so easy, well not completely as I said I can’t go full monty but finding, researching, eating has been so simple? Not as complex as I thought it would be. Let me show you some of the items I’ve bought. They are stunning and taste just as good and of course they are amazing detox items 😱

These are just a few of what I’ve been buying. Of course falafel with hummus and avocado which is stunning on a burger with sweet potato fries! Vegan cheese is incredible too!

I couldn’t recommenced these items enough they really give you the bug to switch your daily items. There is a vegan shop next to my new works … always feels lush saying that… and I can’t wait to replace my breakfast and dinner with some vegan options. I will keep you posted on my “body is a temple” post and see how far I’ve got and how well I’ve been coping.

Dare I say it now but I think it’s gunna be a piece of vegan cake.

The price for success is hard work

Fashion trends

Since my last post its been nothing but hit after hit, I have been plodding along and getting to tipping point of feeling maximum fustrsations ready to throw in the towel with everything and just buy an elephant and live in the jungle. I’m glad I didn’t though, well, the elephant jungle thing that’s one hell of a runaway plan! I’m glad every time I felt beat down I kept standing up and walking just that bit more to seek a path.

They say when bad things happen, they come in three’s and so here was the trinity of my awful luck:

Got so close in interview process for marketing jobs and did not get offers, a real devastation when you get so far only to be told no and you revised so hard. Lost my job at Coast, my safety net was pulled under neath my feet. Felt stuck and then had to put my gorgeous Missy to sleep, I just felt numb!

I held my hands up, “universe, I’m done you can just work your magic and lets see what happens.” The more I tried to have a grip of everything the more it was slipping out of my grasp.

Loosing P was just tipping point and I just needed to break away from searching and just focus on the present. I needed a job quick so it was just looking for full time work in what ever I found remotely interesting. The unexpected happened… I get a phone call about a job and I’m a full time Marketing Assistant just like that.

Let’s say I was shocked but more shocked at how my mum predicted this sort of thing. Mum believed something would happen in a months time, and that she’d book a flight ticket for me to go to Turkey and something would come up!

Mum does tend to have a telepathic nature and so I will be making her do the lottery soon.

I definitely treat this blog like my diary and this post has taken me extra long to write. One being that I didn’t know how to balance the negative with the positive, I didn’t know how to approach this world-wind subject and to be honest it’s been such a long draining but also fast and an amazing learning process? How could all these two end of the spectrum emotions coexist. But it’s happened.

I’ve been applying since May this year, everyday every half hour checking jobs and checking emails. I swear I had carpal tunnel syndrome! It was agonising the long drawn out waiting for recognition. My summer has been full of lovely distraction but I’ve met some dark times for sure.

Graduation was a lovely time but after receiving my degree I just felt lost and doubted the entire experience. September I’m in a job! For most it takes years with the amount of competition there is and I don’t doubt I will have to face testing times again but it’s how you learn and absorb and deal with it that has made me realise what getting older is all about.

Good things come to those who wait, and patience really is a virtue!

I credit my ability to draw silver linings during everything.

No job – well at least I am even being considered and that I’m so so close to the final result.

Coast – maybe this is the push I need! At least I have my amazing family to help me.

Missy – it was her time and at least she is not in pain!

Your going to doubt the path sometimes but always take a step back when you’ve hit a bump, don’t make drastic decision or moves. Breathe, and take baby steps! Facing things head on like a bull in a china shop will lead to mistakes and more heart ache. Be the turtle not the hare! And the light at the end will always find you.


Missing Missy

buddhism, my inspiration

August was the worst month in such a very very long time. So many lows and the last hit of them all was putting my gorgeous P to sleep. Kidney failure.

It’s crazy how animals can let you know but also show no signs, we noticed she was drinking more but she’s older too and the confusing combination of general old age to sickness signs is difficult for any pet owner to pin point.

I have to say she went at a time that was right for all of us, as much as it’s so painful to let her go then and still wish she was here now… it certainly was her time.

15 years of being her diva, gorgeous self, she really lived life the way she opted. I am so happy I picked you out of all your brothers. I remember holding you with just one hand with your big blue eyes! and then I look at the photos of your fat spilling out haha, nothing can replace you p.

We are all growing old, that’s life – siblings love our, full time jobs are priority and the thought of her being in the house CONSTANTLY on her own is very sad, and I’m glad she is in a better place and especially not in pain!

She gave us so many laughs, she gave us so much happiness even if it was just her walking around the house and stopping right in the middle of the walk way! I’m grateful my last days with her was just me and her, we left how we started off baby girl. Missy followed me everywhere and it was funny and sweet and apparently that’s a sign but she often gets clingy when we come back from holidays? It’s just so hard to be a perfect pet owner because they can’t communicate like we do.

When we lost her I just thought I don’t want another one but I need a presence like her, craving her movement around us… most humans get another pet, but why do we do that to ourselves? Go through the pain of getting a gorgeous animal for it to leave you heartbroken, I just had a moment of “why are we so self destructive”.

At the moment we are not deciding on anything, it’s too soon despite it being nice to have a little thing walking around and playing again because it’s so wonderful to see them live around you.

I just wanted to show you guys my gorgeous girl and share just the very few out of a thousand memories I have with her. Enjoy the gallery I’ve set up guys 💕

(I found her only white whisker the other day on my carpet and thought it was plastic and it was in the spot she slept in! Heart is heavy) xox